

​What does a Volunteer Ombudsman do?
A Volunteer ​Ombudsman makes unannounced weekly focused visits to an assigned nursing home in a designated region as the resident centered advocate. 

​Call 1-800-815-0015 for more information.

Who can be a Volunteer Ombudsman for this program?
Men and women of all professions, education levels, and backgrounds, ages 25-95, who care about older adults in their communities.

What are the qualifications to become a Volunteer Ombudsman?
Everyone must pass a criminal background check, be free from potential or actual conflict of interest and have 2-3 hours each week to give to advocate for residents in a nursing home.

What would prevent someone from becoming a Volunteer Ombudsman?
The Board on Aging and Long Term Care reserves the right to deny anyone this volunteer opportunity. The Volunteer Ombudsman Program policy prevents persons with certain circumstances from representing the agency as a Volunteer Ombudsman. 

The circumstances include and are not limited to:

  • Not passing the criminal background check. No applicant with a felony record will be allowed to represent   the program.

  • Being a current Nursing Home Administrator or Director of Nursing.

  • Being an employee in any capacity of the facility or the corporation which owns the facility into which the applicant would be assigned.

  • Having a close family member who is a resident of the facility in which you want to volunteer.

  • Having/Had a personal issue with a facility or its staff.

How would someone be assigned a facility to visit?
The Volunteer Coordinator, the Volunteer Services Supervisor, the Regional Ombudsman and the new Volunteer Ombudsman will mutually agree upon the assigned facility.

​How do I apply to become a Volunteer Ombudsman?
Call the toll free number 1-800-815-0015 to receive a screening packet or complete the online application.​