The Ombudsman's Role in Dispute Resolution

Ombudsmen often serve as mediators, negotiators and consultants.  When communication has broken down between consumers and their families, or consumers and providers, the ombudsman is often called upon to help mediate a resolution in which the clients voice is heard above all others.​

Increasingly, the providers of long term care services h​ave come to rely on the consultation of the ombudsman to resolve issues which are not addressed by administrative rules. By involving the ombudsman in a dispute before it becomes a grievance or a crisis, the ombudsman can ensure the client’s voice is heard above all, exploring options and resolutions, offering staff and/or resident education as might fit the scenario, always from a rights perspective.

Ombudsmen work on concerns raised by consumers, family members and friends, facility staff and management, as well as governmental agencies and organizations. Callers are guaranteed confidentiality and, if requested, ​anonymity when ombudsmen intervene on their behalf.

Regardless of who makes the complaint, the ombudsman's only client remains the resident or consumer, and the only goal is what the resident or consumer wants and/or needs. The ombudsman carries out the work that is directed by the consumer and in some situations where the consumer is not able to adequately communicate, the legal decision maker.

Complaints may be made via phone, fax, letter, or via the online complaint form.

By mail:
1402 Pankratz Street, Suite 111
Madison, WI 53704-4001

By phone:

By fax:​

Due to the high volume of complaints and the often very serious nature, calls are continuously prioritized. Persons making a complaint are asked to be as detailed as possible in describing the complaint or need for a return call, and are asked to leave complete contact information​​.