
​Access publications produced by the Board on Aging and Long Term Care and other resources related to long term care. To view, simply click on the title.

Medicare - Part D

An overview to considering your coverage options.​

Medicare Part D is coverage for prescription drugs offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare.​

A list of things all Medicare beneficiaries should know before signing up for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan (PDP)


The Board on Aging and Long Term Care has identified the factors to consider to help you determine if it would be wise to purchase LTC insurance.

If you are a Medicare beneficiary, there are programs that can help pay Medicare premiums, co-payments, and deductibles for any eligible Medicare enrollee.​

An overview of the Medigap Helpline program.​

An overview of the Medigap SHIP Volunteer Program.

Each year, the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Association (PMA) publishes a directory that lists programs established by individual drug companies, to provide free drugs.

Review and compare annual premiums.


In Wisconsin, the Board on Aging and Long Term Care Ombudsman Program has statutory authority to provide advocacy services to long term care consumers aged 60 and over.

A guide for facilities to obtain information about a resident’s intimacy and sexuality history.

Practical suggestions and guidance in how to begin to assess a resident’s ability to consent to physical sexual expression.

​There are many criteria to evaluate the options for yourself or loved ones needing long term care. Considerations include basic services and regulatory and advocacy oversight.

The requirements for nursing homes to provide information to residents and/or to resident representatives about the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, and the CMS requirement to send copies of transfer and discharge notices to a representative of the Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman.

For the resident or tenant of a long term care facility, moving, whether back home or to another facility, can be both exciting and stressful.

Making The Right Choice - Choosing A Residential Facility
A guide to choosing the right residential facility.

An overview of the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program.

The information contained in this document expresses the understanding of the law being discussed and the position of the agency respecting that law.

For some people, the symptoms of relocation stress may be obvious changes in health, personality or disposition.

This document provides guidance to facilities suggesting what might be included in a Resident Relationships Policy that addresses intimacy and sexuality issues. 

A brief summary of residents’ rights when a facility intends to close.


Learn how this program strengthens the advocacy services provided by the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program to people living in designated nursing homes.

The Four Winds Community Newsletter.​