Education and Outreach

​​A resource for CITIZENS​​​

​​Ombudsmen are frequently invited to speak on a variety of topics to long term care providers and service users.  Most requested topics include r​esident rights, sexuality and intimacy, and preventing abuse and neglect. Inservices and conference workshops are tailored to meet the needs of the audience, whether it is specific to a a particular long term care setting or generalized for the provider community at large.

Ombudsmen are also available to community groups as an educational resource on the many facets of long term care services. Serving to monitor the implementation of federal and state long term care regulations and reporting trends and deficiencies, ombudsmen are frequently an objective resource in determining what type of long term care service might provide the best fit for the consumer.

The ability of the Ombudsman Program to influence public policy with consideration for the views and concerns of the long term care consumer has had a strong impact on improving the quality of life for long term care consumers. Today long term care ombudsmen serve persons living not only in nursing homes, around whom the program was originally designed, but also serve persons in CBRFs (community based residential facilities), adult family homes, RCACs (residential care apartment complexes), and who receive their home and community-based services through the Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE or IRIS programs.​

Whatever your educational needs, ombudsmen are skilled educators who will craft a program to meet the specific needs of your long ​term care setting, provider group, conference, resident or family council, or community network.​